Resources for Presbytery Committees and Congregations


Board of Pensions

Book of Common Worship PCUSA 2018

Book of Confessions 2016

Book of Order 2023 - 2025

Presbyterian Foundation

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Presbytery of the Redwoods and Synod of the Pacific

Anti-racism Statement


Presbytery 2024 Meeting Schedule

Presbytery Reimbursement Policy

Presbytery Voucher

Social Networking Guidelines

Standing Rules

Synod of the Pacific

The Way Forward for Redwoods Presbytery - Plan Narrative - May 2020 

Tribal Lands

FAQs About Honoring Lands & Peoples

Honoring Lands and Peoples, Land Acknowledgment & Humble Confession 9.25.21

Tribal Lands & Presbytery of the Redwoods

Story Maps - History of the Land & the Lands of the Wiyot People

Committee on Ministry and Congregational Personnel Committees

      2024 Minimum Salary for Installed Positions

Background Check Services

COM Policies and Procedures Manual

Elder Abuse Recognition & Response

Pastor/Staff Evaluation Forms (in Word)

Policy for Reconciliation and Dismissal of Congregations

Pre-Employment Screening Certification

Covenant of Closure with an Outgoing Pastor

Sample Children and Youth Protection Policy

Employment Guidance for Sessions and Personnel Committees 2021 PCUSA

Standards of Ethical Conduct

Committee on Preparation for Ministry and Inquirers/Candidates

Committee on Preparation for Ministry Forms

CPM Preparing for Ministry Protocols

Committee on Mission Finance and Congregational Finances

     Per Capita 2024

Expense reimbursement guidelines

Voucher for reimbursement request

Financial Review Guide for Sessions (PCUSA)

Investment Policy (approved by presbytery April 27, 2024)

Grant Writing Policy

Shared Equity Loan Agreement SAMPLE

Guidelines for purchase of property

Sample Facility Use Agreement (PDF)

Sample Facility Use Agreement (WORD)

Tax Exemption Status Letter 501c3 Redwoods Presbytery from PCUSA July 2021

IRS Tax Exemption Letters 501c3 PCUSA

Policy regarding credit card use

Suggested ways to hold title

Synod Loan Guidelines for Churches

Form A (Synod application)

     Form R (Synod application)

Use of cash from sale of real estate 

Nominating Committee and Pastor Nominating Committees

America's Changing Religious Identity Report (PRRI)

Cafe to Go --- World Cafe

COM - Materials on Calling a New Pastor

Congregational Life Cycle

MIF - Ministry Information Form 2016 (Word Doc)

On Calling a Pastor Manual PCUSA Revised March 2015

Pastoral Call Form Sample (Word Doc)

Strategic Planning 101

The Art of Powerful Questions

Nomination Form - Nominating Committee

Representation & Review Committee and Clerk of Session

Bylaws & Electronic Meetings Frequently Asked Questions

Bylaws Sample for Congregations

Review of Session Minutes, Rolls, Register Books CHECKLIST May 2024

Session Administrative Manual for Clerk of Session

     Virtual Meetings Sample Rules from Robert's Rules of Order     
Conducting Business Virtually for Congregations and Councils

Camps and Retreat Centers

Mattole Camp & Retreat Center

Westminster Woods

Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center